The number 1 question we get all the time is: “How do I clean my beauty blender?” alongside with “Why are there black dots on my makeup sponges?”, “How do I get these foundation stains off my beauty blender?”; you get the idea. It’s a myth that it’s a hassle to clean your beauty blender, but it actually isn’t! Here, we will be showing you how to effectively clean your beauty blender to maintain it in tip-top condition before changing them up every 3 months (extremely important!)

Step 1: WET

To start cleaning your beauty blender, get it wet by holding it under a running tap or soaking it submerged in a bowl of water. Just remember to wet your beauty blender every single time, whether is it before washing it or using it! Easy, right?

Step 2: SWIRL

Apply an ample amount of blendercleanser solid, liquid blendercleanser or blendercleanser solid pro directly to your blender. Blendercleansers are all infused with lavender, coconut and sustainable palm oils to effectively offers protection against 99.7% of harmful germs-even if stains are left behind.


Squeeze and massage Blendercleanser into your blender working it into a nice lather. Make sure not to twist or pinch your blender, for this can cause it to tear. Be gentle!

BONUS TIP: Use Keep.It.

The flexible silicone scrubber helps lift stubborn stains and grime easily from blenders and brushes!

Step 4: RINSE

Thoroughly rinse your blender in cool water. Dry in an open area for proper ventilation – your air-conditioned room isn’t a ventilated area.

TIP: Let your blender sit on the cannister (the initial packaging that it comes with) and dry it by the window side. Once the blender is completely dry, it will drop right back into the cannister – that’s when you know it’s ready for your next use. If you’re on the go, store your blender(s) in Blender Defender to ensure your blenders are getting the ventilation they need!

We recommend cleansing your blender minimally once a week and changing up your blender every 3 months for the best bounce. Always find the time to deep cleanse your blender so that you can maintain it in tip-top condition for the most flawless finish 😊